2025’s Best Photographer In Montgomery County? 👀

2024 best photographer in montco finalist badge from montco happening, Montgomery county's best photographer
it’s a major award!

Last year we were a top Finalist for best photographer in Montgomery County, as voted on by locals! This year, can we score a total win?

If you’re wondering why your vote is important to me, I listed some reasons I care in last year’s post! But here are a few new ones for the new year:

✧ Last year’s posts about voting brought hundreds of new eyes to my work! Literally hundreds of people who might not have otherwise known about me. For a small local business, that’s huge. I’m so grateful for it, and for the chance to grow my network again this year.

✧ The voting process involves a few steps and a few minutes of your time. Some people—no matter how much they love my work—won’t do that, so every vote really counts and I appreciate any and all help to spread the word!

✧ It feels more important than ever for LGBTQ+ artists and queer-owned businesses to be represented and visible for our community and for our allies!

✧ I’ve been a Montco resident since I moved to the Philly metro in 2002, which officially means I’ve been here more than half my life! I love being part of the community here, and the more people who know about me, the more I get to meet and make gorgeous photos of!

✧ 2024 was a difficult and often demoralizing year and 2025 is already bringing its own complications; a win would make me feel very appreciated for the queer joyful work I’m putting into the world.

Photo of Cassandra Panek, owner and artist of Neon Velvet Studio. Image features a dark-haired white person wearing red, posing in front of a black wall that shows four monochrome red canvas paintings.

Got more love to share? Here are links to vote for some of our nominated friends:

Deleted Scene Tattoo Removal
Gold Door Gallery
Joy Movement Arts
Reya Barre and Yoga

Are you a nominated friend? Message me and I’ll add you above too! Let’s spread the love 🖤

I will leave you with our local blessing: go birds

Build your dream boudoir session now!

What Clients are Saying

“I’ve worked with Cassie several times now for my business and every time I’m blown away with the images she captures! Each time I think it’s the best shoot we’ve ever done… until the next one, and then THAT’S the best one. She always makes me and our models feel comfortable and confident, she pays … Continue reading Johanna S.

Johanna S.

“I have had the absolute pleasure of working with Cassandra multiple times and never in my life have I felt so empowered and comfortable with a photographer. The amount of detail and care that is placed in every aspect of the sets, lighting, down to the gallery curation is magnificent and there is never a … Continue reading Heather D.

Heather D.

The Results Are In! Best Photographer in Montco is…

Have I been biting my nails for months, waiting to see who Montco Happening would crown best photographer for 2024 in Montgomery County?

Not exactly, but I have checked several times to see if results dropped without me noticing.

But the wait is over!

2024 best photographer in montco finalist badge from montco happening, Montgomery county's best photographer
it’s a major award!

I’m excited to announce that, while I didn’t win the whole deal, I was voted a finalist! So I’m not quite the best photographer in montco, but I’m one of them! I might even be the best boudoir photographer in montco; the list doesn’t get that specific. 🤔

Congrats to the winner, the other finalists, and the nominees! If you’re curious you can find everyone’s info at Montco Happening; we all do very different genres of work so there’s something for everyone to enjoy. And I also love being part of an industry that has so many creative woman-owned small businesses.

Thanks to my clients, friends, and everyone who took the time to vote or share and hype me up on this journey. I appreciate your time and energy and love so so much! I’m gonna take another try at the title next year, and in the meantime I’ll be here working on my craft! <3

Some things I’ve got planned:

✧ More themed mini sessions, announced ahead of time so payment plans can be accessible to more clients!
✧ An exciting collaboration & promotion with other local businesses, because teamwork makes the dream work
✧ A super special giveaway? 👀

If you want to be the first to know, be sure to join my VIP mailing list!

hate lots of emails? me too bestie. it’s RARE you’ll get more than 2 per month from me!

Lastly: congratulations to my friends at Gold Door Gallery in Hatboro for being a finalist in their category too!

Are We Best Photographer In Montco?

Neon Velvet Studio has been nominated for the Montco Happening Best Photographer category for 2024!

Last year we got the coveted ‘Best Photographer in Glenside,’ and this year we’re dreaming big and going for Best Photographer in County. Want to help? Vote here, and be sure to follow all the instructions. If you are a robot, please ask a human friend to vote on your behalf.

You might be wondering why this is important, and I’m sure everyone who gets nominated for awards cares about it for different reasons, but here are mine:

✧ It’s free advertising ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Can’t beat that.

✧ Something like 90% of my clients find me through referrals from existing clients. I love that, and this feels similar: People who know or have worked with me appreciating what I do enough they tell the world (or at least Montgomery County, Pennsylvania)

✧ If you’ve been following me awhile you’ll know I struggle with what to post on social media, and this is a bona fide Thing To Talk About.

✧ I think the little green Best Of badge will look really cute on my site.

✧ Doesn’t it just make you feel good when somebody tells you you’re the best at something?

✧ I like seeing LGBTQ+ and woman-owned businesses win things. Neon Velvet Studio is both!

Got more love to share? Here are some of our nominated friends:

Deleted Scene Tattoo Removal
Gold Door Gallery

Are you a nominated friend? Message me and I’ll add you above too!