Neon Velvet Studio has been nominated again!
Montco Happening wants to know: Who is the Best Photographer in Montgomery County for 2025?

Last year we were a top Finalist for best photographer in Montgomery County, as voted on by locals! This year, can we score a total win?
Want to be part of the winning team? Vote here, and be sure to follow all the instructions. If you’re a robot, please ask a human friend to vote on your behalf.
If you’re wondering why your vote is important to me, I listed some reasons I care in last year’s post! But here are a few new ones for the new year:
✧ Last year’s posts about voting brought hundreds of new eyes to my work! Literally hundreds of people who might not have otherwise known about me. For a small local business, that’s huge. I’m so grateful for it, and for the chance to grow my network again this year.
✧ The voting process involves a few steps and a few minutes of your time. Some people—no matter how much they love my work—won’t do that, so every vote really counts and I appreciate any and all help to spread the word!
✧ It feels more important than ever for LGBTQ+ artists and queer-owned businesses to be represented and visible for our community and for our allies!
✧ I’ve been a Montco resident since I moved to the Philly metro in 2002, which officially means I’ve been here more than half my life! I love being part of the community here, and the more people who know about me, the more I get to meet and make gorgeous photos of!
✧ 2024 was a difficult and often demoralizing year and 2025 is already bringing its own complications; a win would make me feel very appreciated for the queer joyful work I’m putting into the world.

It’s silly but I don’t have many recent photos of myself! Here’s me with a few of my paintings from Gold Door Gallery’s Monochrome Red group art show! You can vote for Hannah’s gallery and boutique tattoo removal shop below!
PS—Gold Door is hosting their annual charity fundraiser on February 8th 2025!
Got more love to share? Here are links to vote for some of our nominated friends:
Deleted Scene Tattoo Removal
Gold Door Gallery
Joy Movement Arts
Reya Barre and Yoga
Are you a nominated friend? Message me and I’ll add you above too! Let’s spread the love 🖤
I will leave you with our local blessing: go birds
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What Clients are Saying
“I have had the absolute pleasure of working with Cassandra multiple times and never in my life have I felt so empowered and comfortable with a photographer. The amount of detail and care that is placed in every aspect of the sets, lighting, down to the gallery curation is magnificent and there is never a … Continue reading Heather D.
“I have worked with Cassie numerous times. And every time she impresses me more and more. She is so creative and fun to work with. Whether it’s her project idea or mine. She knocks it out every time. She is one of my top favorite female artists!”